Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 4 - REALLY!

It's Tuesday evening and for the last 24 hrs all I have to say is, "There has got to be something else I can eat" Yesterday I got up and went to the gym. Got there about 6am and diligently went upstairs to work with the weight machines. I worked a few with my legs, then my arms and the whole time I'm thinking to myself "what am I going here, they are looking at me and I have now idea what to do." Needless to say they really weren't watching me. Lack of self confidence was just hanging around. Came home and had a piece of chicken for breakfast. Ooo yummy! (insert sarcasm here) Got ready for work and was thinking what am I going to eat today. Well, small container of more vegetable salad, cucumber spears, and largely diced bell peppers. Surprisingly I felt full. Finished my day, came home and now the dinner dilemma has occurred. Can you guess, more chicken and more vegetable salad. Finished the left overs. Now, we have people over on Monday nights after dinner and Roys says to me "You have to fix desert" Excuse me, what?!?!?! It's not like I can eat it, how is that fair. So I made snicker doodle cookies. Everyone loved them, they were gone in no time. I was very proud of myself because I did not have a single one.

Now we come to this morning. I did not make it to the gym. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. Had a cup of coffee. Pulled things out for breakfast and lunch and Dog Gone It!!! my berries had all molded. I was sooo looking forward to berries. No breakfast today, now I'm grouchy! Went on with fixing my lunch; cucumber spears, almonds, a salad with lots of veggies and oil/balsamic vinegar dressing. Got down to the last four pieces of veggies and dressing splashed all over the front and shoulder of my work shirt. Did I mention that I was grouchy! I had plenty of time though to run home and change. Fast forward to tonight. Friends from the US Open were getting together at Red Lion at 5pm. For drinks. I had water and BERRIES! At 8pm I said it was time for me to leave and I was hungry anyway. I was wracking my brain for what I could eat. Ran through McD's and ordered the chicken strips. Did I say chicken again.

I promised my next post wouldn't be long so I will just say, that my next goal is to hit the gym in the morning and get through another day of meat and veggies!

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