Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Oreo's are calling me!

On to day 5 -

I did not make it to the gym this morning. I had a stomach ache for part of the night. My alarm religiously went off at 5:20, I got up at 5:30 walked around and ended up on the couch still not feeling all that great until 7am. Then I really had to get busy. Made myself 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast. Hoping they count as a meat. They were grrreat! Did not take a lunch, that I would figure it out later. Choked down 13 suppliment tablets. Some of them are really big. This just might end up being the hardest part. Hey, I had a novel idea at work today, I went to Marie Calendars for lunch and had vegetable soup and salad with tomato basil vinaigrette dressing. That too was fabulous. Wednesday are a very busy evening for most of our household so we typically are on our own for dinner. Everyone had pasta with chicken or shrimp. But not me. Pulled out the bell peppers and gave them a chop. Could not find an onion though. Pulled out two eggs and made vegi scramble. I'm sooo trying to be creative here.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Now we usually have something to snack on in the evening say for desert. Here is where it gets hard...there are a few bags of Oreo's in the cabinet and I am having a major sweets craving right now. I will resist, I wont eat them, I don't have any berries still so I will suffice with my almonds.

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 4 - REALLY!

It's Tuesday evening and for the last 24 hrs all I have to say is, "There has got to be something else I can eat" Yesterday I got up and went to the gym. Got there about 6am and diligently went upstairs to work with the weight machines. I worked a few with my legs, then my arms and the whole time I'm thinking to myself "what am I going here, they are looking at me and I have now idea what to do." Needless to say they really weren't watching me. Lack of self confidence was just hanging around. Came home and had a piece of chicken for breakfast. Ooo yummy! (insert sarcasm here) Got ready for work and was thinking what am I going to eat today. Well, small container of more vegetable salad, cucumber spears, and largely diced bell peppers. Surprisingly I felt full. Finished my day, came home and now the dinner dilemma has occurred. Can you guess, more chicken and more vegetable salad. Finished the left overs. Now, we have people over on Monday nights after dinner and Roys says to me "You have to fix desert" Excuse me, what?!?!?! It's not like I can eat it, how is that fair. So I made snicker doodle cookies. Everyone loved them, they were gone in no time. I was very proud of myself because I did not have a single one.

Now we come to this morning. I did not make it to the gym. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. Had a cup of coffee. Pulled things out for breakfast and lunch and Dog Gone It!!! my berries had all molded. I was sooo looking forward to berries. No breakfast today, now I'm grouchy! Went on with fixing my lunch; cucumber spears, almonds, a salad with lots of veggies and oil/balsamic vinegar dressing. Got down to the last four pieces of veggies and dressing splashed all over the front and shoulder of my work shirt. Did I mention that I was grouchy! I had plenty of time though to run home and change. Fast forward to tonight. Friends from the US Open were getting together at Red Lion at 5pm. For drinks. I had water and BERRIES! At 8pm I said it was time for me to leave and I was hungry anyway. I was wracking my brain for what I could eat. Ran through McD's and ordered the chicken strips. Did I say chicken again.

I promised my next post wouldn't be long so I will just say, that my next goal is to hit the gym in the morning and get through another day of meat and veggies!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The begining

This journey actually started on June 6th when I decided to join Jenny Craig and 24 Hour Fit to try and regain control of my eating and physical strength. Although family and friends say that I'm am thin and what do I need to lose weight for (and I love them for that) I have found that I am an unconscious eater. I stuff food in my mouth with out thinking, no matter if I'm hungry or not. Not to mention how out of shape I'm in. When I started this I was 5'2 and 141 pounds. Yes, I did just put my weight out there for everyone to see. My goal was to lose at least 20 pound, 10 of that before my 43rd birthday (today) and to go to the gym at least 3 times per week. Needless to say neither of those things happened.

Weekends were my downfall. Eating meals with my family. Though the JC food for the most part is really good, sometimes Roy was just fixing something that sounded great at the time. I thought I was choosing well but I probably ate more than the recommended portion amounts. I still kept telling myself "I am committed to my JC plan." I did go to my weekly weigh-in's and see my consultant, doesn't that count. No! Why, because I was only walking and not using weights or doing resistant training. I would lose 1 to 2 pounds one week and gain a pound another week. What a see-saw. I have realized that if you are not committed to both completely, then it is a very hard task to accomplish. So in the last two months I have lost 6 pounds. Not the 10 I was hoping for but better than only 3-4. In the meantime a good friend suggested that I go see this Chiropractor/Nutritionist/Holistic Dr for help with my migraines. Now, this is where everything gets turned around.

One week ago I go see him and we discuss everything I have done, tried and am currently doing. He was full of questions to say the least. For what seemed like 20 minutes or more he kept doing these funny assessments with my feet and legs to see how my body lines up and where it was off. I would tilt my head to one side. Put my ear to my shoulder and during all this was holding 1-4 small jars in my hand. I thought to myself that this was very funny and odd at the same time. I do have to say that he is very informative.

He said, by looking at my ex rays, that I have a mild case of scoliosis, my C1 & 2, sit to the left, 3&4 are aligned and 5&6 sit to the left (Cervical spine=neck). One leg is longer than the other, an extra vertebrae in my lumbar (low back). Good news is this can all be helped with regular adjustments. Plus it would hopefully decrease my headaches. He also wants me to have a full panel of blood work done including urinalysis. Then he says "No more Jenny Craig!! That program is based on calories in and the same calories out. Very hard to maintain over a life time." Hmm! He also figured out through all the assessments that I was deficient in at least 4 supplements. Okay! So off I go with my lab requests and a lot to ponder. This was Thursday of last week. Friday morning (the next day) I went in first thing before work because I had to fast, and had all my lab work done.

Still eating my JC food until further notice. Tuesday I got a call from his office letting me know that my results were in and we set an appointment for Thursday afternoon for me and Roy to come in. A bit nervous to find out what might be wrong, but looking forward to it at the same time.

Thursday Roy and I get there, he sits us down and I'm thinking "oh boy, here it comes, the results of my impending death are about to be revealed." He starts with "I found nothing inclusive that will say Hey this is the cause of her migraines, however (ugh, there's that word) there were several things that did appear."

Cholesterol is 218 over 200 High
Triglycerides is 266 over 150 High
HDL Cholesterol is 80 over 50-70 High
VLDL cholesterol is 53 over 30 High
T3 Uptake is 19 should be 24-39 Low
CBC Platelets:
RDW Platelet is 16.1 over 11.7-15.0 High
Appearance, WBC and Epithelial cells were Abnormal
Vitamin D is 26.4 should be 32.0-100.0 Low

Which means ,obviously my cholesterol is an issue. My thyroid isn't working that great which explains some things. My blood could become an issue if I don't get my thyroid and chol. in sync. And, my urine came back looking as though I don't drink water at all...what the heck...interesting.

Bottom line now is total diet change for one. Meat, beans and veggies (breakfast, lunch and dinner) oui! Fruit, I can only have berries. Almonds and Olive Oil is ok. Plus 7 different supplements. And to top that off I have to work with the weights at the gym 3-4 days a week.

No sugars, no starches, no pasta, no dairy and so on. I'm going to die!?!?!?!?!? I do however get one free day to eat anything I want. This is all in an effort to get my body on track with itself (no migraines) and then we can start adding things back in to see what, if anything will trigger a headache. Latter that night I was taking Alix out shopping and decided to have one last hoorah meal. In-n-out, cheese burger animal style, fries animal style and a choc shake. Boy did I feel horrible eating all that after having been so diligent on JC.

This is going to be a tough battle. Fast forward to today, Sunday and it is my birthday. I saved this day for my free day, duh! That means I can have anything I want to eat that I can not have during the week. Roy made me french toast and sausage for breakfast. We went to the Angels game and I had Carl's Jr (western bacon cheese with onion rings) it sat in my stomach all afternoon. Then Alix had made me pasta for dinner. For desert, a client of my, on Friday, brought me a Bavarian cream fruit topped tart. I can't begin to tell you how much I have been looking forward to that all weekend.

The bottom was a pie type crust with a very thin layer of white chocolate so it wouldn't get soggy, the center was filled with Bavarian cream and then rings of strawberries, kiwi, mandarins, pineapple and blueberries. Oh my goodness!!!! Heaven in a dish.

Tomorrow will be back to reality with a workout at the gym, chicken or carne asada for breakfast, fruit and veggies for lunch, just not sure about dinner yet. I go back to Dr Ettinger in two weeks to check on my progress and get another adjustment.

Did I mention that this was going to be a tough battle.

Okay so there it all is. I promise my next posting wont be as long, but now you are all caught up.