Saturday, September 12, 2009

Temptations and Motivations

Why do things have to be so hard? Temptations around every corner. Cookies, Ice Cream, Muffins, Donuts etc etc etc... Eating out is even difficult. I don't want to say I have failed but yes I have cheated here and there. The few pounds I had lost with Jenny Craig I have managed to put back on. Heavy sigh! Now I have no desire to go to the gym. I have figured that part out though, see with JC I was held accountable every week for a weigh in. I don't have that same accountability anymore. Sure I see my chiro every two weeks and he will ask how things are going but it's not the same. So I just don't get up in the morning and go work out.

I am not a big pill taker. I have to take 13 every day so I have not been real diligent about that either. However, I have been drinking my protein shake every morning that I make and it has at least 3 out of the 7 supplements in there.

I had at least gone 5 weeks with out a migraine...yeah!!! But then I got slammed last week for a week. Did find out though that it was most likely due to a drop in progesterone. Hmmm hormones! That's what I have been telling my GP for years and my chiro figured this out. Now we have something new to work on.

I'm thinking of splitting up my pills to half in the morning and half at night. Maybe then I can get everything down in one day. This would be the easiest of my two hurdles. The next is to find the motivation and desire to go to the gym.
